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Effective Classroom Management Strategies for New Teachers

Learn the best classroom management strategies for middle and high school teachers to create a positive learning environment and maintain student engagement.

Raising Money Wizards: Cultivating Kids' Financial Literacy

Discover fun and engaging ways to teach financial literacy to kids. From hands-on activities to real-life examples, learn how to raise money wizards in this informative blog post.

Idea to Action: Process Of Starting an Afterschool Program

Explore this step-by-step guide on how to turn your idea into reality. Learn the essential steps to create a successful program to benefit your classroom.

Tips To Implement Restorative Practices In The Classroom

Explore the restorative practices in the classroom, a framework for building such an environment, emphasizing relationships, accountability, and community.

United for Success: Collective Teacher Efficacy in Schools

How collective teacher efficacy can transform schools by empowering teachers to work together and believe in their ability to impact student success positively.

Number Sense: Effective Strategies for Teaching Subitizing

Learn how to teach subitizing effectively to kindergarten and preschoolers with these exciting strategies to help children develop their number sense.

Creative Afternoons: 20 Ideas for After-School Fun with Kids

Looking for things to do with kids after school? Check out these 20 ideas for creative afternoons that will keep your little ones entertained and engaged!

Self-Reflection: Learning through Metacognition In Education

Explore the power of metacognition in education and how metacognitive learning strategies can transform the way students approach their learning journey.