2013 is set to see an ever increasing presence of technology in the classroom. The integration of smart devices; phones, tablets, gaming software, iBoards, the list goes on. The number of schools and other academic institutions allowing students to use these devices or use their own for academic purposes is rising significantly.
However, In order to effectively and safely integrate these devices into teacher's day-to-day lesson plans it requires planning and preparation.
We've identified the 5 key considerations that schools should address before deploying smart devices in their school.
1. Internet Bandwidth
A few years ago internet connections were restricted to use by teachers and students using desktop computers, often in the school's computer suite or library. Today, most students, and teachers for that matter, have a smart phone or tablet; placing increased demand on a school's bandwidth.
Access to communal wireless networks vary school by school, however if you're intending to introduce new technology into students day-to-day learning environment your IT support team or integration consultant will need to advise.
One of the most common causes of resistance to tech integration is the impact it has on teaching the curriculum for staff. Evidence has found that most teachers positively embrace the use of tech-enhanced learning but don't make things harder by providing an internet network connection that's slow and cannot cope.
2. e-Safety
Recent studies have found that although parents are concerned by the distraction or potential distraction caused by internet-enabled devices, most students make positive choices towards learning online. However this is not always the case. In the run up to your integration programme a terms of use policy should be agreed, signed and adhered to by all students and staff. Any misuse of the internet and/or devices should be dealt with according to the terms outlined in this document.
3. Supporting your IT Infrastructure
Increasing the use of technology in class will inevitably lead to tech related issues. An IT support team is highly recommended not only to resolve problems and errors but also to ensure you get the most from your devices and software.
In most corporate organisations IT support is contactable via an online issue tracking tool. For schools this type of resource could be equally beneficial or alternatively your software provider may be able to build this functionality into the app or platform, such as a 'report error' selection button.
4. Teacher Training
An obvious consideration but one that is paramount to the success of any new school initiative is staff training.
Introducing and integrating technology into the classroom can be a daunting prospect for some staff members. Often those who are not as confident can remain quiet during training sessions, which can lead to the misuse or less than optimal use of new devices and/or software.
In order to maximise the impact of new technology teachers must gain the confidence to teach with it. Training must meet the needs of all staff and as such identify those that may need additional support.
5. Integrate new devices
Now that you've ramped up your bandwidth, introduced an e-safety policy, ensured staff are confident to teach and have a support infrastructure in place to respond to technical problems and issues, you now need to select the most appropriate devices and software tools.
Government funding in the form of grants or sponsorships and other commercial partnerships vary greatly but can help a wide range of learning centres and schools invest in a programme of digital change. However, if funding cannot be accessed other more innovative methods are being piloted, such as the bring your device to school programme. These alternative approaches are demonstrating encouraging results as students are finding that by using their own resource in the classroom they are more likely to access software and apps related to learning when they're at home.
Once the financial resources are in place or an alternative scheme has been agreed to ensure students have access to a smart device. Senior management and representatives involved in the integration project can assess the underlying needs of the school, it's learners and the teaching objectives of each department.
e-Learning resources and digital software tools are somewhat more subjective and will vary by academic subject. Here's a useful article on the Top 5 recommended education apps and software packages.
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