College Bound in California? Consider a Writing Tutor to Increase Acceptance Rate

In California, there are over 6.7 million children enrolled in public and private schools in the state. Competition is fierce to get good grades and attend a stellar college or university. In fact, according to one study reported by the Huffington Post and LA Times, college graduates make more than high school graduates by 84%. Given the current economic climate in California and the rest of the country, numbers like these are indicative of the importance of a college education. However, in order for a student to succeed in high school, they'll have to learn how to successfully write academic papers. For those Californian students who struggle or need more one on one attention, tutoring in San Diego can prove to be a fantastic investment.

What to Expect

So what would one expect in a one on one session? First and foremost, the tutor will ask the student to bring in a paper, so the two can go over what's working and what could use retooling. It's important for the student to understand that this is not a grammar correction session. That will not do the student any good. Instead, the tutor will ask questions and help the student figure out what they were trying to do. They will go over writing strategies, so the writer can use what is said for future papers. They will also go over basic writing issues. These issues can be divided into two categories: higher order and lower order.

Higher order issues are the blueprint of the paper. Higher order strategies will heavily deal with organization and flow. Basically, does the paper have a thesis? If so, does each subsequent paragraph lead the writer to the ultimate conclusion that is defined in the introduction? Are there topic sentences that let the reader know what exactly to expect in the paragraph? These are the issues that make or break a paper, so that's why they're considered higher order.

Lower order issues are the grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and syntax of each sentence. These are the things that can be fixed, but only after the higher order issues are settled. Tutoring in San Diego may entail questions about comma usage, subject-verb agreement, tense problems and other grammar issues that can be jarring to the reader if done incorrectly. These are the nuts and bolts of the paper, so they're extremely important too. For those Californian students who need some help or another set of eyes to look at their writing, tutoring can prove to be very advantageous.

About the author: Chris is a freelance writer from New Jersey who writes on a variety of topics. He is currently at work on his first YA mystery novel.