Creativity in Kids: What Are The Best Strategies to Foster?

Editor: Jomathews Verosiloveon Jan 12,2023
creative kids

A child's creative potential is almost limitless, and there is no limit to what they can achieve. The way they explore new things, make fun of themselves, reflect on their imaginations, and are open to new experiences makes them a joy to be around. A number of studies have shown that children are better at solving creative problems than adults due to their ability to explore and imagine more possibilities as well as come up with more creative solutions.

There is much more to the creative process than just the product itself. Whether it's a painting of interest, a sketch, a thought-provoking document, or a unique response to something, the choices that people make as they paint, sculpt, write, and think, play a key role in the creative process. To help parents, teachers, and others who work with children and youth learn more about the creative process, this article might be helpful.


Engage in arts and crafts


No matter what age you are (or what experience level you are at), arts and crafts are something you can enjoy. Over time, the idea behind the art projects has not changed, even though their complexity may change as the projects progress.

It is also possible for your kids to participate in a number of activities. Imagination is the only thing that limits what they can achieve. Although you can buy or order almost any tool or supply from the internet, you will not have to pay a lot of money in order to purchase them because they are cheap. You can often find things around your home that can be used to make fun crafts, and you just need to know where to look.


Time limits on screens


In the day-to-day lives of children, electronic devices, such as televisions, computers, smartphones, tablets, and other items that can be connected to the internet, occupy a great deal of time. Kids spend about eight hours a day watching screens, and these activities are considered unhealthy by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

There is a recommendation that children should limit the amount of time they spend watching screens, as it has been suggested by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP). Children between the ages of 3 and 6 should not be allowed to spend more than one hour per day in front of screens, especially non-educational screens.

It is clear that one of the major problems cited by the authors is the time that a child spends on screens represents a time that he or she could be spending engaging in fun or relaxing activities instead. With the help of a screen, they can create music or write stories without having to use a computer. The time your child spends watching screens can be managed in such a way that encourages them to be more creative and find creative ways of occupying themselves.


Discover the universe


The best way to make your child more interested in space is to involve him or her in a variety of creative and educational activities that will nurture their love for space. There are several activities in this list that can be completed pretty easily. As an example, you might ask your child to tell you a story about an astronaut who has traveled to the moon or what aliens generally look like in their imaginations as a means of explaining them.

You can also engage your child in deeper artistic activities to support their quest for learning more about space and encourage them to learn more about it. As an alternative to this, you can also make paper mache models of the solar system with styrofoam balls by using the same procedure.

Another great way to get your kids interested in space is to take them to a planetarium as a family outing. Through fun movies and activities, planetariums are ideal places for kids to find out more about outer space and how it works. Create an environment where your children are surrounded by art and imagination, and by doing so, you will be able to cultivate a more creative home environment for your child.


Creativity is important



As a parent, let your children know that you are available to be a sounding board for their creativity. Be genuinely interested in what your colleagues have to say and bring up their ideas whenever you feel they should be able to speak up. Answer their questions honestly, and do not be afraid to acknowledge that you do not know the answer to the question. It will then be possible for you to work together in order to come up with a solution to the problem. The best thing that you can do for your children if they become inspired is to give them a notebook or journal so that they can write down their ideas. If you ask your children what they would do differently if they were tasked with coming up with a creative solution for a problem or how they would solve it, they will be more likely to come up with a solution.


Take an observer's perspective


Make sure you keep an eye and ear open for your child's interests and passions in order to discover them. Is your son becoming more and more fascinated with planes as he grows up? With a model airplane kit and books, you can create a creative space for your child in your home. What is your daughter's favorite activity that she enjoys doing? Does she enjoy drawing or doodling? It would be a great idea to take her somewhere that she can practice that interest and exercise her creativity (maybe even the backyard). It would be great if you could buy her a sketchbook and colored pencils and take her to someplace where she can practice her drawing. You should ensure that your child has access to any particular activities or materials they enjoy if they are interested in them.


How does creativity contribute to the development of children?


As children grow up, creativity has a great impact on their ability to develop emotional skills and critical thinking skills. It has been found that children's creative projects or artwork can be highly praised when they receive positive feedback from their parents, teachers, or caregivers. Creativity can also boost self-esteem in children. Moreover, fine motor skills can also be developed through the use of arts and crafts activities such as coloring, painting, and coloring books.


How does a kid become creative?


As a result of their curiosity, most kids are naturally creative. Since children are curious about the world and they also have the desire to learn about it, they use their imaginative skills and problem-solving skills in innovative ways to explore what specific things are designed to do, how they work, and even how they would behave if they were able to.

The more opportunities a child has to exercise his or her creative muscles, the more likely they will be to do so. The creativity of a child can give them the inspiration to solve a problem in a unique way or use a toy in a different way, depending on the situation. It is even possible that you will be able to motivate someone to come up with an all-new art project, story, or alternative way of thinking about things in general as you inspire them to think.




In order to understand what students are trying to accomplish, teachers often have to explain how they can help them think creatively by responding to questions in a different way, displaying a sense of humor, or being nonconforming and unpredictable. In many cases, adults are found to be irritated by the behavior of creative children because those children are often uncomfortable with the rules that are made in a strict classroom or at home due to their creative ideas.

Adults are often not aware of the value that these creative children can add to families and classrooms, and this could be an issue due to a lack of awareness from adults. In turn, these children develop the necessary creative problem-solving skills to become adults who change our world and make it a better place.

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