The Best Ideas to Improve Reading Comprehension for Kids

Editor: Jomathews Verosiloveon Jan 04,2023
kids reading

It is very important for students to be able to read with understanding - but what is reading comprehension? If your child has the ability to read well, he or she will be able to do well in all academic subjects, including college entrance exams, which heavily rely on the ability to comprehend what they read. The ability to read a text well might be sufficient if one has good reading comprehension skills. However, one also needs to interact with that text in order to gain insight into it. During the course of reading, they make predictions, question plots, ask about the behavior of the characters, and relate the message to experiences that they know from their own lives. Almost as if it is second nature to them, so they usually don't even realize that it is second nature to them.

Whenever we think of reading difficulties, the first thing that comes to mind is a child who has difficulty decoding a text and converting the letters in the text to words that can be understood by an adult. There is no doubt that these struggling readers have poor phonological skills, making it difficult for them to figure out what most words are and what the sounds they make when they pronounce them (speech-sound). The primary problem with the reading skills of a lot of students is the inability to comprehend key concepts like vocabulary, figurative language, inference, verbal reasoning, and grammar development even though they seem to be reading well.

Establish a background knowledge base

It is very important for children who are having difficulty reading to be able to comprehend what they are reading. It is ideal to keep things lighthearted and fun as much as possible for your child. However, you shouldn't put any pressure on them. If he feels discouraged or disinterested in reading as a result of that, he will become reluctant to read.

Whenever your child is reading a book, you can encourage him or her to imagine and predict some parts of the story even before he or she opens the book. In the event that he cannot figure out what to do, you can ask him silly, outlandish questions based on either the title or cover of the book. If you have any questions about the book, no matter what it is about, you are welcome to ask them. In the book 'If You Give a Cat a Cookie', there is a picture of the cat that appears on the front cover. There might be a few of you who are wondering whether the cat wears clothing and why they do so, but they do.

Reading the text requires the child to use background knowledge as well. Your child may be able to give you some insight into what he would do in this situation. When was the last time I experienced that? The time is still fresh in my mind. As a result of these thought patterns, the child can quickly understand and apply the text to his or her own life.

Make connections for your child

An able comprehension reader is capable of weaving together the words in a text and finding connections between them as they read it.  As the child makes connections between the feelings of the characters in a book and those in his or her own life, empathy is developed for the characters in the book.  The more emotionally attached the reader feels to the story, the more likely he or she is to remember it in the future.

The inferences that you can draw can also serve as a way of encouraging connections among individuals. A conclusion is simply a conclusion that is derived from inferences.  A reader can always guess what is going on even when the author does not explicitly state what is going on in the piece. From the context of the book, might your child be able to figure out the setting, some of the emotions among the characters, the moral or lesson the author is intended to convey, or even the author's purpose if there is not any explicit explanation.

Fluency is one of the keys to success

As well as a child's capacity to understand a text, his/her ability to read fluently is a big factor in comprehending that text. Trying to decode all the words at the same time while struggling to decode each one is, by far, one of the most difficult tasks for young readers. In order to be able to read and comprehend simple books, you need to choose books that are easy to understand and read. The three easiest ways to help your child develop fluency are to read aloud together, and to read with a friend. 

Engage students in fun activities related to books



The fact that a child can memorize almost verbatim what they read, regardless of whether they understood the material well or not, is an impressive feat. The development of reading skills requires more than just children remembering and recalling what they have read in order to become proficient readers. It is essential for them to be able to express their thoughts and feelings regarding the text and be able to explain the meaning and purpose of the text before they can express their feelings about it. To encourage our children to become critical thinkers, asking them meaningful questions and taking part in critical thinking activities are crucial parts of our teaching process.


Create an interactive reading experience

As per reading specialists, there is a roughly 50/50 interaction between comprehension and fluency when it comes to reading comprehension. As a reader, we are likely to interpret around half of a text based on what we add to it by way of prior knowledge, word choice, and the way a text is structured, as opposed to what we actually comprehend from the text itself. Would reading interactively improve students' reading comprehension? The way in which people watch movies can be seen as a positive example (many people are of the belief that movies provide a better understanding than books).

There is a certain sense of awe you feel when you see the light and sound of the film or television screen for the initial time. The fact that distractions are limited makes it easier for you to concentrate. As well as being a multi-sensory experience, a movie is also a visual one. As with movies, we tend to get invested in them when we watch them. Our gut instinct is to reach out to the characters on screen, as though they were the heroes of the story, when we face terrifying situations.


Because the strategies and skills used in the comprehension games are closely aligned with literacy and language arts standards, the fun activities are perfect for students in elementary and middle schools. Students within a classroom can be helped to select reading materials with vocabulary appropriate to their current ability level in order to learn how to read texts and participate in vocabulary exercises at levels that are accessible to them as they work on reading.

The performance of students in a variety of academic fields could be negatively affected if they have difficulty reading in any particular subject. Poor reading skills and comprehension can cause a person to feel low self-confidence, frustration, and to perform worse in school. It is necessary for parents and teachers to work together in order to assist children who may have trouble doing so, and there are times when children may require some assistance from them in this. When you follow these steps on how to improve reading comprehension with your child, you will be able to open a whole new world of opportunity for them. The skills they will acquire during their educational career will be able to be taken to new heights during the course of their education. Just getting them to read alongside you is all it takes to get them interested in reading.

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