Effective Teaching Strategies For The Classroom In 2022

Editor: Megha Agarwalon Feb 02,2022

Every student in a classroom has distinct talents, personalities, as well as capabilities. While some grasp faster, others need some time to learn things. This is why teachers need to come up with powerful and innovative teaching strategies and implement them to meet the needs of each student in the class. A teaching strategy is an approach that a teacher employs to deliver knowledge to the students effectively. Such tactics provide a space for students to grow and make the right decisions. 


There is an exhaustive list of teaching strategies accessible for the classroom, but finding the best ones can become overwhelming. To make it easier for you, we are here with the most constructive strategies that will be applicable to all classrooms, regardless of the age of the students and the course. While these are the most innovative and responsive teaching strategies for considerable learning and progress in the classroom, the one that will work the best will depend upon you, your schedule, and your students’ preferences. 


Most effective teaching strategies to practice in 2022: 



1. Integrate Technology In The Classroom


Incorporating technology into teaching is one of the best ways to engage students in the classroom actively. It is one of the most potent tools or teaching strategies you have at your disposal. Technology is a significant aspect of the modern world, and you will be surprised to know how much it has to offer to education. Laptops, computers, and tablets can be used in the classroom for interactive learning and performing various educational activities. 


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2. Providing Feedback

Providing feedback is one of the best ways to boost students' morale and encourage them to do better. Undoubtedly, it is amongst the most impactful teaching strategies that, if implemented correctly, can make a major difference. Feedback will help students know where they should improve, what they are great at, how they can do better, and more. However, the feedback should be regular, encouraging, actionable, and specific for better impact. Believe us, this strategy is a staple in most classrooms.


3. Modeling


Once you are done teaching the students about the concept, it is equally crucial to show them exactly how to do the same. One of the best teaching strategies you must consider is to let students dive into the subject and make the classes more impactful. While this tactic works great for all, it showcases the best result on students who are visual learners. While it is time-consuming, it is worth every second and effort of the teacher. 


4. Differentiated instructions


One of the most popular and effective teaching strategies involves diverse learning styles as per the student’s ability. It ensures that no one in the classroom is left behind. In such a kind of teaching, the teachers are required to adjust their lessons according to the different skill sets of students present in the class. Also, handling worksheets and encouraging the students is involved in this teaching strategy.  


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5. Cooperative/Collaborative learning


Collaborative learning, also known as cooperative learning, encourages students to work together in small groups or as a whole class. It promotes teamwork and interaction with peers, which help in building self-confidence, encourages critical thinking, and enhances various skill levels. Also, it makes students learn the concept of accountability and independence. Such kind of learning is a part of creating a positive and engaging classroom culture that will help students feel connected with the course, teacher, and each other. 


6. Student-Led Classroom


Teaching requires deep understanding and great preparation of the subject. By letting students lead the class, you ask them to spend time learning the concept and showcasing their talent. Trust us, it is a creative way of carrying out discussions among students and teachers. By doing so, students will gain confidence and get a new perspective toward learning in the classroom. Considered one of the best teaching strategies, this will increase the chances of the students to succeed in the course. 


7. Graphic Organizers


Graphic organizers are a simple and straightforward tool that helps in summarizing information in a concise manner. It helps in brainstorming and organizing the thoughts and ideas of students via visual representation of information in the form of pie charts, bar graphs, concept maps, KWL charts, and diagrams. By organizing this information, students can easily grasp the concept with its detailed understanding. This is, undoubtedly, among the best strategies you can employ for offering your students a successful career ahead. 


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8. Visualization/ Visual Aids


If you are on the hunt for new and exciting teaching strategies, this one will help keep your students engaged and motivated. Visual aids or visualization is another great teaching method that includes letting students learn and consume information. It can be via smart boards or projectors that can easily make the lessons more interesting. With this kind of learning, students can better absorb the information and remember it for a longer duration. It also makes learning easier, simpler, and systematic for slow learners.


9. Behaviour Management


For better learning in the classroom, discipline and behavior plays an important role. This is why teachers need to focus on behavior management. Apart from this, it is quite helpful in gaining students' respect and offering them the right opportunities to grow to their full potential. A well-behaved class with no noise or disruption ensures a productive learning environment where all the students can grow. It is a perfect combination of discipline and fun learning that is beneficial for both the students and the teachers. 


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10. Inquiry-Based Instruction


Last on the list of teaching strategies, we have another prominent tactic – inquiry-based instruction. This strategy is used to boost students’ curiosity by allowing them to identify questions that interest them and are connected to the educational setting. It encourages them to look deep into their own interests and focus better on the subject matter. This ultimately leads to better confidence, independence, and having a clear vision for success. 


The Bottom Line:

There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution in teaching. An approach that works best with a group of kids may or may not work with other kids. Hence, it is crucial to implement a range of strategies so that each student can improve their learning abilities. Initially, start with the basics and work your way up. When you begin, there will be some hits and misses with your teaching strategies, but with time you will figure out which strategy is working best for you and which does not. Don't be scared to experiment with different teaching strategies to determine the best. Remember- Not everything will be a good match, and that’s completely fine. All you need is to keep trying to offer your students a better learning experience.



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